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  • kristazeg

Surprising little town of Evreux

After our tour of Giverny we found out that our hotel in Rouen was over booked so we were rebooked in Evreux. What a pleasant surprise this little town has been. Very picturesque! From a gothic cathedral circa 1200 to modern mens clothes!

The town square has a small river channeled through it sporting modern design elements among the old Normandy style buildings.

Don bought some clothes at a mens shop with a very attendant owner. I love the bow ties!

I left an artwork at the mens store, Anddy And Dy. The artwork was made by Yvonne Rempel, it’s minimalist style suits the shop. I hope whoever finds it enjoys it!

Above is the art by Yvonne Rempel, cider at an outdoor cafe and water plants in the river with tiny white blossoms. A gorgeous slow paced day!

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1 commentaire

02 juin 2022

What a beautiful town! Serendipity?

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