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  • kristazeg

Cafe Parisienne

Our accommodation in Paris, Hotel Amelie, is near L’hotel des Invalides which we pass by on many of our walks.

We strolled to Cafe Parisienne for our supper tonight. I ordered an Aperol Spritz to drink. I see many people sipping this drink in the late afternoon and it looked so pretty and intriguing I had to try it. Reminiscent of a Italian Soda but with alcohol.

I left a third piece of art at this restaurant. It is a challenge to find a spot to leave the art where it won’t be thrown out by accident or where it won’t be mistaken as something you accidentally left behind. After we left and were over a block away the waitress came running up behind us to return the Art. She seemed so pleased to have found us I didn’t have the heart (or correct French language) to tell her I meant to leave it. Plus, that would take away the anonymity of it. So I graciously accepted the return.

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May 31, 2022

Looks like your having a great time. Enjoy-these were beautiful sites❤️

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